Kali ini yang bakal gue bahas adalah game Pokemon Hack buat GBA, namanya Pokemon Flora Sky . Game ini cukup spesial, karena pada dasarnya seri Pokemon untuk GBA cuma mentok sampe generasi III . Tapi, di game ini kita bisa menggunakan pokemon dari generasi I sampai generasi ke V . AJib bukan?
Penasaran gimana gamenya? Oke, langsung aja kita liat reviewnya. NGESOT!!
Dialga and Palkia, the portal between Torn World-the world of Giratina and real world is opened.
Giratina appears and brings many unanticapated dangers. And you must close this portal before its too late. Meanwhile, Team Magma and Aqua are seeking the legendary Fire and Water type
Pokemon to dominate their world. Together with other friends, our hero will prevent the
heat of the legendary Pokemon by the actions of Team Magma and Aqua. What will help Groudon and Kyogre calm down? For more stories, let’s play!
À Gen IV and V Pokemon
À New Story
À New Event For Legendary Pokemon
À New Character
À 386 Pokemon in the hack with new Sprites, 4th and 5th Sprites
À New Moves
À New Map
À New Items
À New HM
À New Minigame
À Day Night System, Daily Events
À Main Legendary (In Story): Shaymin, Giratina, Dialga. After beat Elite4: Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquza, Mew, Arceus. And more…
Pertama kita siapin bahan-bahannya. Tapi sebelum itu, perlu diketahui kalo game ini tidak bisa langsung dimainkan . Maksudnya? Jadi kita harus melakukan patching ke ROM Pokemon Emerald Original terlebih dahulu, menggunakan file berekstensi .UPS (istilah simpelnya: digabungin/disatuin). Masih bingung? Tenang aja, gue bakal kasih tutornya, kok. Well apa aja yang kita butuhkan untuk patchingnya? Here we go:
Setelah sukses di download, ekstrak semuanya dalam 1 folder, supaya prosesnya nanti jadi lebih mudah.
3. Run UPS Patcher Tsukuyomi
Jalankan program Tsukuyomi, lalu pilih ‘Apply patch to an existing file’
4. Browse and Choose UPS File
Klik browse, terus cari dimana tempat penyimpanan file .UPS (pilih sesuai keinginan)
5. Browse ROM Pokemon Emerald
Cari dan pilih salah satu ROM yang gue kasih di atas. Kalo gak berhasil dipatch, coba pake yang satunya lagi. Tapi sepengalaman gue, yang ‘Emerald (U) (Trashman)’ sukses dipatch di Windows XP. Buat yang ‘Emerald (U)’ cuma sukses dipatch di Windows 7. Jadi coba sesuaikan sama OS yang dipake.
6. Start Patching
Oke, kalo udah milih ROM, sekarang saatnya memulai patching. Klik ‘Apply patch’!
Tunggu prosesnya sampe selesai, dan TADAAA!!! Anda telah sukses nge-patch.
Kalo muncul tulisan ‘Failed! Input checksum is invalid!’, berarti ROM Emeraldnya gak cocok, coba yang satunya lagi!
ROM yang udah berhasil dipatch akan membengkak sizenya jadi 32 MB . (awalnya cuma 16 MB). Ini saatnya memulai petualangan seru bersama Pokemon di Pokemon Flora Sky! (halah). Terserah mo maininnya pake apa (yang jelas pake emulator), bisa di HP, di PC, di Laptop, ato di kamar mandi juga boleh. Yang penting asoy!
Piplup as water starter di ‘Main Version’
Squirtle as water starter di ‘Complement Dex Version
Trainer Card gue
My Blastoise vs Mantyke
Mari kita melancong!
Maaf tuan, saya kesasar!
Gym 1==> Mystic Town==> Small Town==> Platepics City==> Platepics Research Center==> Beat team Magma==> Exchange the B-Ticket for the Mach Bike==> Find the gym leader near Route F==> Route H==> Route I==> Teaes City==> Rival Battle==> Route J==> Turzoro City==> Battle with Team Aqua (2 times) and Wally==> Gym 3==> Obtain the Pokeblock in a house==> Safari Zone (get HM4 in a house there)==> Route P==> HabutestTown==> Talk to Mr. April==> Searound City==> Beat Aqua Admin + Get 4th badge==> Searound Underground==> Charpos City==> Charpos Harbor==> Magma Building==> Platepics Research Center (top)==> Forest Entrance==> Polar Forest==> Deep Forest==> Torn World + capture Shaymin==> Malias City==> Gym 5==> Route R, S==> Charpos Island==> Festa Zone (if you want to visit)==> Route AB==> Rival Battle==> Charpos Island==> Golden City==> Honey Village==> Obtain Secret Potion==> Route AB==> Pulhia City==> Hotasita City==> Gym 6==> Pokemon Contest==> Get the 6th badge==> Obtain TEA and HM2 in a house in Pulhia==> Ocepac Town==> Exchange for the Scope==> Teaes City==> Gym 7==> Dark Cave (find HM)==> Route F==> MeteorFalls==> Aragi”s Lab==> Puel City Museum==> Aqua Hideout==> Route U==> Underwater==> Seafloor Cavern==> Route G==> Surence Town==> Gym 8==> Find Hm 7 in Water Cave (Route E)==> Route L==> Victory Road==> Pokemon
League || *thx to ‘mauu’>>>>KALAU UDAH TAMAT MASIH ADA WALKTHROUGH LANJUTANYA >>>Challenge Island > Gloomist Forest > Find Red Shard (Hippowdon Temple), Blue Shard (Malias Library), Yellow Shard (the house in Platepics City, where you meet Caitlin) > Mt. Fullmoon > Peak > Latias/ Latios > Gloomist Forest > Gima’s Rest House > Q Area > Mission 1 > Honey Village obtain the App. in the warehose > Use it in the Gloomist Forest > Find the girls > Return Challenge Factory > Mission 2 > Steven: cave in Route J > Golden City > Vs Sky, obtain the App. > Awake Snorlax > Hole Woods > Unlock the hidden house (there are four green stone: bottomright, top left, top right, bottom left) > Malias Library > Read the middle book > Mt Fiery > Magma Hideout > Festazone, talk to the guard man > Silver Town > Aqua Town > Under water > Vs Archie > Sky Pillar (Route AG) > Awake Rayquaza > Aqua Town, obtain HM 5 > Rebattle Elite Four > Golden City > Prepare: Pokemon know Flash, Rocksmash, Dig, Wailord, Relicanth > Hole Woods > Route AE > Froster Town > Mt blizzard, Route AF > Ancient Ruins > Unlock 3 cave in the Ancient Ruins (use Flash middle,run around clockwise, right down use Rock Smash like Emerald) > Find trio beast: Entei Route K, Suicne Route U, Raikou Altering Cave (Route AB) > Return the Ruins > The top middle cave > Use Dig > Relicanth as Lead, Wailord as Rear > Obtain Unown Note on the wall > Exit > Catch Ho-oh in the secret cave at the top left (if want) > Route Y > Artisan Hill > Catch Mew > Catch Groudon (A path), Kyogre (Route R) (you can catch it after the war between them in Aqua Town) > Catch Giratina (Torn World, you can enter it form Deep Forest (Polar Forest)) > Catch Dialga (Mt.Fullmoon) R Area > L path > L Area > Obtain Gemstone form Steven (you can obtain it after Aqua Town event) A Path > Area > Cave Of origin > Unlock the quiz > Catch Arceus
Finish quests (you can do them after you visit Q Area):
1. Ocepac Town 2. Honey Village 3. A house in Malias 4. Route Z (find the coral in underwater Route AC) 5. A house in L Area 6. Cave in Route D 7. Desert Underpass Route K next. Route B (Ninja Trio Cave in Route B > Cave in Teaes City > Cave in Route Q) > Exchange the point for 4 tickets Special Places: Outcast Island: Johto Starter, Lapras, Leafeon and Keldeo. Navel Rock: Lugia Birth Island: Deoxys Abandoned Island: Mewtwo (after Groudon/Kyogre/ Rayquaza event) SELANJUTNYA TERSERAH MAU NGAPAIN LAGI.. SEBAGIAN GUE AMBIL DARI http://ikky21.wordpress.com
Penasaran gimana gamenya? Oke, langsung aja kita liat reviewnya. NGESOT!!
HACKER: 12345 (SKY)
You’ll come to a land with many mysteries of the legendary Pokemon. After the battle between HACK NAME: POKEMON FLORA SKY
HACKER: 12345 (SKY)
Dialga and Palkia, the portal between Torn World-the world of Giratina and real world is opened.
Giratina appears and brings many unanticapated dangers. And you must close this portal before its too late. Meanwhile, Team Magma and Aqua are seeking the legendary Fire and Water type
Pokemon to dominate their world. Together with other friends, our hero will prevent the
heat of the legendary Pokemon by the actions of Team Magma and Aqua. What will help Groudon and Kyogre calm down? For more stories, let’s play!
À New Story
À New Event For Legendary Pokemon
À New Character
À 386 Pokemon in the hack with new Sprites, 4th and 5th Sprites
À New Moves
À New Map
À New Items
À New HM
À New Minigame
À Day Night System, Daily Events
À Main Legendary (In Story): Shaymin, Giratina, Dialga. After beat Elite4: Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquza, Mew, Arceus. And more…
1. Prepare Tools Pertama kita siapin bahan-bahannya. Tapi sebelum itu, perlu diketahui kalo game ini tidak bisa langsung dimainkan . Maksudnya? Jadi kita harus melakukan patching ke ROM Pokemon Emerald Original terlebih dahulu, menggunakan file berekstensi .UPS (istilah simpelnya: digabungin/disatuin). Masih bingung? Tenang aja, gue bakal kasih tutornya, kok. Well apa aja yang kita butuhkan untuk patchingnya? Here we go:
- À PC/Laptop
- À Emulator GBA untuk Ponsel/PC/Laptop. *google it!*
- À ROM base: Pokemon Emerald (U)
- À ROM base: 1986 – Pokemon Emerald (U) (Trashman) ( alternatif, gunakan yang ini kalo ROM Pokemon Emerald yang biasa gak bisa dipatch )
- À UPS file: Flora Sky Main Version , Flora Sky Complement Dex Version ( pilih salah satu )
- À UPS Patcher: Tsukuyomi v0.01 by byuu
- À Secangkir susu
Setelah sukses di download, ekstrak semuanya dalam 1 folder, supaya prosesnya nanti jadi lebih mudah.
Jalankan program Tsukuyomi, lalu pilih ‘Apply patch to an existing file’
Klik browse, terus cari dimana tempat penyimpanan file .UPS (pilih sesuai keinginan)
Cari dan pilih salah satu ROM yang gue kasih di atas. Kalo gak berhasil dipatch, coba pake yang satunya lagi. Tapi sepengalaman gue, yang ‘Emerald (U) (Trashman)’ sukses dipatch di Windows XP. Buat yang ‘Emerald (U)’ cuma sukses dipatch di Windows 7. Jadi coba sesuaikan sama OS yang dipake.
Oke, kalo udah milih ROM, sekarang saatnya memulai patching. Klik ‘Apply patch’!
Kalo muncul tulisan ‘Failed! Input checksum is invalid!’, berarti ROM Emeraldnya gak cocok, coba yang satunya lagi!
ROM yang udah berhasil dipatch akan membengkak sizenya jadi 32 MB . (awalnya cuma 16 MB). Ini saatnya memulai petualangan seru bersama Pokemon di Pokemon Flora Sky! (halah). Terserah mo maininnya pake apa (yang jelas pake emulator), bisa di HP, di PC, di Laptop, ato di kamar mandi juga boleh. Yang penting asoy!
Gimana? Sekarang udah bisa ngepatchnya? Gampang banget, ‘kan? Ya
iya, donk. Nah, mungkin ada yang masih bingung, ‘Apa sih perbedaan Main Version sama Complement Dex Version?’
. Oke, kalo dari segi cerita keduanya sama, kok. Yang membedakan itu
Pokemon Starter dan lokasi-lokasi Pokemon liarnya. Di Main Version,
starter yang dihidangkan adalah trio Sinnoh, yaitu Chimchar, Piplup, dan
Turtwig. Kalo di Complement Dex Version, trio starternya berasal dari
Kanto, yaitu Charmander, Squirtle, dan Bulbasaur. Overall semuanya sama
aja, kecuali yang gue sebut di atas. Jadi, terserah deh mau pilih yang
mana. XD
Piplup as water starter di ‘Main Version’
Squirtle as water starter di ‘Complement Dex Version
Trainer Card gue
My Blastoise vs Mantyke
Mari kita melancong!
Maaf tuan, saya kesasar!
Buat yang stuck pas main Flora Sky, nyantai, ini gue kasih walkthrough pokemon flora sky versi singkatnya: Gym 1==> Mystic Town==> Small Town==> Platepics City==> Platepics Research Center==> Beat team Magma==> Exchange the B-Ticket for the Mach Bike==> Find the gym leader near Route F==> Route H==> Route I==> Teaes City==> Rival Battle==> Route J==> Turzoro City==> Battle with Team Aqua (2 times) and Wally==> Gym 3==> Obtain the Pokeblock in a house==> Safari Zone (get HM4 in a house there)==> Route P==> HabutestTown==> Talk to Mr. April==> Searound City==> Beat Aqua Admin + Get 4th badge==> Searound Underground==> Charpos City==> Charpos Harbor==> Magma Building==> Platepics Research Center (top)==> Forest Entrance==> Polar Forest==> Deep Forest==> Torn World + capture Shaymin==> Malias City==> Gym 5==> Route R, S==> Charpos Island==> Festa Zone (if you want to visit)==> Route AB==> Rival Battle==> Charpos Island==> Golden City==> Honey Village==> Obtain Secret Potion==> Route AB==> Pulhia City==> Hotasita City==> Gym 6==> Pokemon Contest==> Get the 6th badge==> Obtain TEA and HM2 in a house in Pulhia==> Ocepac Town==> Exchange for the Scope==> Teaes City==> Gym 7==> Dark Cave (find HM)==> Route F==> MeteorFalls==> Aragi”s Lab==> Puel City Museum==> Aqua Hideout==> Route U==> Underwater==> Seafloor Cavern==> Route G==> Surence Town==> Gym 8==> Find Hm 7 in Water Cave (Route E)==> Route L==> Victory Road==> Pokemon
League || *thx to ‘mauu’>>>>KALAU UDAH TAMAT MASIH ADA WALKTHROUGH LANJUTANYA >>>Challenge Island > Gloomist Forest > Find Red Shard (Hippowdon Temple), Blue Shard (Malias Library), Yellow Shard (the house in Platepics City, where you meet Caitlin) > Mt. Fullmoon > Peak > Latias/ Latios > Gloomist Forest > Gima’s Rest House > Q Area > Mission 1 > Honey Village obtain the App. in the warehose > Use it in the Gloomist Forest > Find the girls > Return Challenge Factory > Mission 2 > Steven: cave in Route J > Golden City > Vs Sky, obtain the App. > Awake Snorlax > Hole Woods > Unlock the hidden house (there are four green stone: bottomright, top left, top right, bottom left) > Malias Library > Read the middle book > Mt Fiery > Magma Hideout > Festazone, talk to the guard man > Silver Town > Aqua Town > Under water > Vs Archie > Sky Pillar (Route AG) > Awake Rayquaza > Aqua Town, obtain HM 5 > Rebattle Elite Four > Golden City > Prepare: Pokemon know Flash, Rocksmash, Dig, Wailord, Relicanth > Hole Woods > Route AE > Froster Town > Mt blizzard, Route AF > Ancient Ruins > Unlock 3 cave in the Ancient Ruins (use Flash middle,run around clockwise, right down use Rock Smash like Emerald) > Find trio beast: Entei Route K, Suicne Route U, Raikou Altering Cave (Route AB) > Return the Ruins > The top middle cave > Use Dig > Relicanth as Lead, Wailord as Rear > Obtain Unown Note on the wall > Exit > Catch Ho-oh in the secret cave at the top left (if want) > Route Y > Artisan Hill > Catch Mew > Catch Groudon (A path), Kyogre (Route R) (you can catch it after the war between them in Aqua Town) > Catch Giratina (Torn World, you can enter it form Deep Forest (Polar Forest)) > Catch Dialga (Mt.Fullmoon) R Area > L path > L Area > Obtain Gemstone form Steven (you can obtain it after Aqua Town event) A Path > Area > Cave Of origin > Unlock the quiz > Catch Arceus
Finish quests (you can do them after you visit Q Area):
1. Ocepac Town 2. Honey Village 3. A house in Malias 4. Route Z (find the coral in underwater Route AC) 5. A house in L Area 6. Cave in Route D 7. Desert Underpass Route K next. Route B (Ninja Trio Cave in Route B > Cave in Teaes City > Cave in Route Q) > Exchange the point for 4 tickets Special Places: Outcast Island: Johto Starter, Lapras, Leafeon and Keldeo. Navel Rock: Lugia Birth Island: Deoxys Abandoned Island: Mewtwo (after Groudon/Kyogre/ Rayquaza event) SELANJUTNYA TERSERAH MAU NGAPAIN LAGI.. SEBAGIAN GUE AMBIL DARI http://ikky21.wordpress.com
truss file yang di patc nongol nya dimana gant ?.
BalasHapusMampir juga ke blog ane : http://sharing-with-we.blogspot.com/ ^^
sesuai spesifik folder yg km pilih gan